Valuable advice and articles on health related issues
by Dr. Harold Gunatillake
Fats, Cholestrols, Eggs & Obesity
Are Poly-Unsaturated fats good for you?
Butter, margarine and transfats
How to live longer and better
Heathly Foods.
Losing Hair
Cooking Oils
Knowing your “C Reactive Protein”
Is Cholesterol the culprit?
Knowing about Atherosclerosis
Insulin Stimulators & knowing diabetes type2
Dizzy spells (Vertigo)
Power and Goodness of Carrots
Healthy weight and obesity
Diabetes and its problems
Is wine good for the health?
Power of Coenzyme Q10
Great News on Vitamin D
Dilemma of Prostrate Cancer
Lead Poisoning that you should be aware of
Dengue is linked to Poverty More than a Mosquito
Brain Tumors and Mobile Telephones
Taking Low dose of Aspirin is a Healthy Idea
Alzheimer’s disease
Healing Powers of Chicken Soup
"Ketone Bodies" a trendy word
Diabetic Kidneys
Do we need Iron in our Body?
Lower Your Serum Cholesterol With Plant Sterols
Should you take Statins or not?
A Positive Boost for Coconut Oil
Knowing about Parkinson’s disease
Eating Crabs for Health
Silent Killer High Blood Pressure
How Coconut Oil Reverse Alzheimer's Disease?
Does Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease?
Brown Rice, White Rice and Rice hulling process
Bladder Cancer
Wealthy Peoples’ Disease-Gou, -foods to eat
Avocado the rich man's butter
Artificial Sweeteners- are they good for you?
Knowing about Heart Burn
Health Benefits of eating Fish
Health Benefits of eating Crabs
Be Your Own Doctor For Diabetes Type 2
Ulcerative Colitis
Antioxidants and their benefits
Apples Work Magic On Bad Cholesterol
Is Living with Germs un-Healthy?
Cancer Cells love Sugar?
Lipid Disorder
Polyphenols "Lifespan Essentials"
Dancing for Health & Pleasure
Dilemma with Cholesterol
Health Benefits Of Sesame Oil; Queen of Oils
Carotid Artery Narrowing Due To Plaque
Stent types Compared For Efficacy
Pineapple For Arthritis Relief
Why You Should Eat High Fibre Foods
Magnesium Factor
The dilemma of Cholestrol (Statins)
Know Your Joints And Glucosamine
Goodness Of Oats
Lowering High Blood Pressure
Valve Leakage In The Heart
Goodness Of Cashew (Cadju) Nuts
Chemical Additives In Our Food
Back Pain
Benefits Of Passion Fruit
Foods 'Lectin' Containing Can Cause Harmful
Dont Make 'God Given' Coconut Oil Another Fad
What Causes Vulnerable Plaque?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and FODMAP for relief
Almonds And Cashew Nuts Similar Health Benefits
Deep Vein Thrombosis And Air Travel
Our Kidneys
Too Many Cooking Oils Not So Many Cooks
Ebola: Killing Thousands
Are you taking enough Calcium?
Barramundi the “Super Food”
Delayed Treatment May Worsen Sciatica
Telomeres And Ageing
Knowing About Parkinson's Disease
Should You Eat White Bread?
What Do Kidneys Do To You?
Foods to avoid when You Have Heartburn
Health Benefits Of Eating Chicken
Getting Rid Of Your Belly Fat
When You Get Cramping And Bloating
Artificial Sweeteners: Obesity And Diabetes
What Are Dietary Fats?
Let's Talk About Fatty Livers
The Misunderstood Eggplant
What is Glucagon
Healthful Benefits Of Yoghurt
Fatty Acids And Diabetes
Angiogenesis And Cancer
Red Hot Chillies - Alluring Health Benefits
A Glass of Wine is healthy
Are You A Vitamin Junky?
Goodness of Kurakkan
Diverticular disease
Digestive Benefits Of Fermented Foods
Why Are Many Diabetics Careless ?
Zinc Is A Star
Dietary Fibre An Important Part Of Healthy Life
Sugar – Probable Cause Of Most Diseases
How Much You Know About 'Triglycerides'?
Fish Oils Relieve Arthritic Pains?
Functions Of The Liver In Diabetes
CRP Blood Test For Peace Of Mind
How can we help Parkinson’s disease victims?
Let’s talk about our daily Bread Wheat
Metabolic Syndrome
Dilemma of Statins
Farewell to Trans Fats
Prostate Cancer – Updates On New Drugs etc
Enjoy A Light Beer On A Hot Day
Do Soy based foods have health benefits?
Gut Participation In Metabolism
Blood Pressure to Keep Your Brain Function
Spicy Foods put Spice into your life
Organic Foods The Way To Go
Chemicals In Nature's Food
Vitamin & Supplements For Cancer Patients
Your Friendly Gut Bacteria
Why Eat Cheese
Gluten-Free Foods And Their Benefits?
Why is Stroke so common in Sri Lanka?
Cutting Down Meat=Cutting Down Fat
Drinking Green Tea Beneficial To Health?
Exercise & Diet Can Control Type 2 Diabetes
Vitamin C and heart disease
What Should You Do As You Wake Up
Potassium Could Be A Life-Saver Or A Killer
Do You Get Your Vitamin B12 Checked?
Gut Bugs in relation to disease
Losing balance is quite common with age
Dilemma Of Cholesterol And Saturated Fat
The Dangers Of Soya For Ladies
Handle Food Safely
Eating Fried Food And Heart Disease
White Rice; slower digestion & lower calories
Spicy Food Puts Spice Into Your Life
What Your Pulse Tells You
Blame Soluble Sugars, Not Saturated Fats
What Happens To The Food You Eat?
Take Care Of Your Boarders
Preventing Brain Haemorrhage
How Healthy Are Beans?
How to cope with Positional Vertigo
Why don't Pharmacies in SL stock Vitamin B12?
What Are Angiotensin Inhibitors & Blockers?
What is a well-balanced diet?
Natural sugars in fruits
Should you take fish oil capsules
Porridge for breakfast is sensible
Vitamin C needs of our bodies
Gluten Intolerance And Sensitivity
How much water should you drink a day
Cheese: Bursting With Calcium
Why do your legs swell?
Alcoholic Drinks When Having Diabetes
Differentiate between heart attack & heart burn?
Bacon And Eggs For Longevity
Vegans are disadvantaged vitamin deficiency
Why Do We Need Food When We Are Hungry?
Should We Eat More Bananas?
Drugs That Cause Bone Softening (Osteoporosis)
Minimise your processed red meat eating-WHY?
Spontaneous Spinning (Vertigo) for no cause
Foods that can cause heartburn
Health tip for the Ladies
Eating Beetroot lowers your Blood Pressure
Know Your Milk You Drink!
Foods & Drugs hurting your kidneys
Dilemma of PSA test to detect Prostatic Cancer
Nocturnal pains in the stomach
Do you know if you are deficient in Vitamin B12?
Dietary Fibre and Whole grains
Alcohol does have health benefits
Know your parathyroid glands
Acrylamide A Poison In Our Food
What is Nitric Oxide?
What do you know about your Gall Bladder?
Look after Diabetes to prevent complications
Most people are dehydrated without knowing
Significance of High Blood Pressure
Knowing your heart rate
Cholesterol & how you could control blood levels
5-10 minutes per patient, then walk out clueless
Can we reverse diabetes?
What is the best predictor of a heart attack?
Milk- essential for life
Feeling Bloated
Eating Red Meat is bad news
Insulin Resistance
Prevent a hang-over after heavy drinking
A better way to check your diabetes
Do you know what Acrylamide is?
The problem with metformin
The truth about your blood cholesterol
High Fibre Foods
Recurrent nonspecific backaches
A better way to check your diabetes
My experience growing ‘Karapuncha’
A diet that makes you slim
What is the difference between vitamin D2 and D3?
Are you dehydrated?
Taking enough Potassium in your daily diet?
Do spices cause cirrhosis of the liver?
You need to eat fish twice a week
About the Bread you purchase
Beet Juice may be the answer
Doubtful Science of hypertension by Dr Hegde
Health benefits of Coffee and Tea compared
Health Benefits of eating Onions
Is this Virgin Coconut oil?
Do cooking oils produce trans-fat on reuse?
Doctors say you could eat eggs freely every day?
Do Supplements help heart disease?
Alcohol and Its Health Benefits
How can you look after your Liver
Selecting diets when you are a diabetic
Eggs do not cause heart disease or stroke
1 drink a day keeps you away from Dementia
Keeping your Circulatory system, healthy
Periodic Coconut Bashing starts again
People who enjoy a drink are now confused
Eating eggs for breakfast will prevent a stroke?
Is Fish Oil another Snake Oil?
Avoiding Cancer by Eating the Right Foods
Dilemma of Saturated & Unsaturated Fats
Synthetic vitamins in food
Why people dont check blood pressure regularly
Looking after your Liver
Alcohol what it does when consumed
Fat that is Visceral Makes your heart miserable
Measuring your waist-line reflects state of health
Preliminary blood tests to see if you are diabetic
Do you know the effect of Coffee you drink daily?
When you have high blood triglycerides…
Abdominal discomfort and its causes
You should know about Metabolic Syndrome
What happens to dietary carbs you consume
About Apple Cider Vinegar and its benefits
An Eye Opener on Health Issues
Dilemma of Saturated & Unsaturated Fats
After all Eggs are good for you
How the Baby Gets Its 1st Dose of Healthy Gut Microbes
Daily walk is the Panacea for good health & longevity
All cooking oils are not the same
Balanced Diet by present day concept
Diabetes- Is there a natural therapy to reverse it?
Abdominal bloating
Chronic Kidney Disease that you should know about
Fermented Foods are a hot topic
Large Bowel Issues - dreaded colon cancer
The normal Blood Pressure for a Sri Lankan
Osteoporosis (thinning bones) is a silent disease
Chess and your mental health
The way your heart works
What are Ketones and Keto Diet- Is it confusing?
Prediabetes, the stepping stone to full blown diabetes
What is the Paleo diet?
Exercise may prevent cancer; treatment easier.
Folates that fight cancer
Dietary Fibre (Article and link to video
Conventional Medicine vs.Alternative Medicine
Should you eat more unprocessed whole foods?
Daily walk is Panacea for good health & Longevity
What does the Pancreas do for you?
Do Sri Lankans living overseas need Vitamin D?
Risks of taking too much salt
Bloating tummy talk & video
Eggs film
Cholesterol talk and video
Bread - Good or Bad
Alzheimer PDF & with link to YouTube
Parsely - Article & Video link
What does Alcohol do to you
Why do Jaffna people shake their legs whilst sitting down
What is insulin resistance
Keep your large bowel free of chronic diseases
Minimise risk of Alzheimer's
Immune booster for Sri Lankans
Eggs Boost your energy
Antibiotic Azithromycin for COVID-19
Chloroquine & hydrochloroquine for COVID19
Immune system and challenges to COVID-19
Alcohol consumption and COPD
Cytokine Storm Syndrome link with COVID
Pluse rate and its importance
Should you take Glucosamine for Osteo-Arthritis?
Become vegetarians to prevent endemics
Resistance starch video & transcript
Eggs boost your energy
Prostate Glands - How much trouble can they give you?
Will Eggs break your heart?
Heartburn - Video transcript
Just one Drink a Day- new Proposal
Heart failure
Fingernails - what they say.
Your large bowels
Saturated Fat in Red Meat are damaging
Liver disease and failure
Fatty Liver Disease
Health benefits of moderate coffee
Eat more fibre
Benefits of fruits
Mitochondrial diseases
Omega 3 Health benefits
Fast Foods
Is Beer good for you?
Bashing Coconut - Asian Staple
Night Leg cramps
The Goodness of Papaya
Obesity & Pot belly
Why do I grow Kale in Kandy
Copyright 2010 ~ 2025 Dr. Harold Gunatillake MBBS, FRCS